Monday, 27 May 2013



Expertus Mundus  (Test World)

Testing : What, How & Why?

What is Testing?
To err is Human, there is a need to check everything produced because things can always go wrong. Testing is necessary as we all make mistakes some are unimportant and some are expensive or dangerous.

Testing is a Process consisting of all Life Cycle Activities, both static and dynamic, concerned with planningpreparation and evaluation of software products and related work products to determine that they satisfy specified requirements, to demonstrate that they are fit for purpose and to detect defects.(ISTQB).

Process - Testing is a process rather than a single activity - there are a series of activities involved.

All Life Cycle Activities - Testing is a process that takes place through out the software development life cycle. Later the bugs are found in the development life cycle, more expensive it is to resolve them.Finding and fixing at each stage would help to build the right software. Design tests early would prevent defects from being introduced into the code.

Static & Dynamic - Testing running code is Dynamic Testing.
Finding Defects without executing code is Static Testing(Review of documents and code). 

Planning - Plan what has to be tested, check the testing progress and status of software under test. 

Preparation - Test Conditions and Designing test cases.

Evaluation - evaluate the software under test and the exit criteria, 

Post by :- James Watkins
Published by :- Pardha Saradhi.

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